domingo, 23 de agosto de 2015

Lesson 4: My face/ My body

Lesson 4: My face / My body

Seguimos con las partes del cuerpo y empezamos con unas canciones como siempre


Vemos unos vídeos divertidos

Wow English TV - Parts of the body. Fun with Steve and Maggie
Wow English TV - Body parts. Fun with Steve and Maggie

Resultado de imagen de body parts wow english

Y jugamos al famoso juego Simon says.... El profesor o profesora manda a los alumnos o alumnas que se toquen una parte del cuerpo, y todos responden físicamente (solo cuando el profesor dice Simon says). En segundo lugar sacamos a los niños o niñas para que muevan una parte de su cuerpo como en la canción y los demás niños o niñas deben decir que parte está moviendo

Jugamos con las flashcards  y con un juego divertido

Y también jugamos a unos juegos en la pizarra digital

viernes, 21 de agosto de 2015

Lesson 4: My face/ My body

Lesson 4: My face / My body

Terminamos con dos proyectos

Primero jugamos a los médicos con los niños.... El profesor hace de medico y los alumnos y alumnas tienen que decirle que parte del cuerpo les duele 

Seguimos con otro juego

viernes, 14 de agosto de 2015

Anexo II: Toys and Christmas

Anexo II: Toys 


- Actividades recicladas
- Presentarse a los alumnos.
- Sing the Hello song (super simple songs)
- Sing the good morning Mr Rooster (super simple songs)
- Play Wave Hello! Good Morning!
- Extra activity: Play the handshaking game!
- Extra activity: The circle game. Say hello/Good Morning
- Sing the If you are happy song (super simple songs)
- Extra activity. Play are you happy?
- Extra activity: The circle game. Ask and answer how are you? I am….
- Sing the How’s the weather song (super simple songs)
- Play is it sunny?
- Extra activity: Play how’s the weather today?
- Sing the Days of the week song (super simple songs)
- Play is it Monday?
- Extra activity: Play what day is today?
- Sing I see something blue song (super simple songs)
- Sing I see something pink song (super simple songs)
- Play is this red?
- Play what colour is this game
- Play find/ point to something blue/red…
- Extra activity: Play touch/bring me something blue/ red…
- Sing the five little monkeys song (super simple songs)
- Sing the seven steps song (Super simple songs)
- Sing the one potato, two potatoes song (super simple songs)
- Play clap once, twice, three times….
-  Extra activity: Play how many….. are there?
- Extra activity: Play count and move. Stand up number….
- Extra activity: Play the orange splash
- Extra activity: Play the crocodile game (colours)
- Extra activity: Play the number or colour scarf (playground)
- Sing the shapes song (super simple songs)
- Play shapes. Is this a circle?
- Play find a circle
- Extra activity. Make a circle with your hands
- sing let’s clean up (super simple songs)
- Clean up the classroom
- Sing the see you later alligator (super simple songs)
- Extra activity: Play Wave Good-bye! See you!
- Extra activity: The circle game. Say goodbye/ see you

- Actividades principales

- Sing My teddy bear (super simple song)
- Sing What do you want for Christmas'? (super simple songs)
- Play Whatdid you get for christmas?
- sing the mistery box song (super simple songs)
-  Play what’s in the box? Toys
- Play what’s your favourite toy?
- Play what’s that noise?
- Play Musical toys
- Extra activity: Play a Point to!
- Extra activity: Play who has the….?
-- Extra activity: Play the pair game.
- Extra activity: Play let’s count the toys
- Sing the clean up song (super simple songs)
- Extra activity:  Play let’s tidy up!
- Extra activity: Play let’s tidy up the toys!
- Sing A-I review chant (super simple songs)
- Sing A-I review song (super simple songs)
- Sing super single ABC´s phonics song (super simple songs)
- Play phonics
- Extra activity: Interactive whiteboard.
- Extra activity: Interactive whiteboard:

Empezamos una lección que vamos a utilizar en el mes de Diciembre (la última quincena) para ver lo juguetes y la navidad


Vemos un video divertido

Birthday Toys - Wow English TV (Steve and Maggie)

Jugamos a un juego en la pizarra digital