miércoles, 29 de abril de 2015

Lesson 7: My family and my house

Lesson 7:  my family and my house


- Actividades recicladas

- Presentarse a los alumnos.
- Sing Hello song (supersimple songs, maple leaf, Kiboomu songs)
- Play Wave Hello! Good Morning!
- Extra activity: Play the handshaking game!
- Extra activity: The circle game. Say hello/Good Morning
- Sing If you´re happy (supersimple songs, maple leaf, Kiboomu songs)
- Play are you happy?
- Extra activity: The circle game. Ask and answer how are you? I am …..
- Sing the weather song (Kiboomu songs)
- Play is it sunny?
- Extra activity: Play how’s the weather today
- Sing the days of the week song (supersimple songs, maple leaf, kiboomers)
- Play is it Monday?
- Extra activity: Play what day is today?
- Sing Goodbye song (Kiboomu songs)
- Sing Goodbye song for children (Kiboomu songs)
- Extra activity: Play Wave Good-bye! See you!
- Extra activity: The circle game. Say goodbye/ see you

- Actividades principales

- Sing Happy father´s day (Kiboomu songs)
- Sing Happy mother´s day (Kiboomu songs)
- Extra activity: Play is it...?
- Extra activity: Play who is he/she?
- sing the house song
- Extra activity: Play Where’s mummy/daddy…?
- Extra activity: Play Mummy! Are you in the kitchen?
- Extra activity: Play Guess the room!
- Extra activity: Play who’s in the bathroom?
- Extra activity: Do you sleep in the kitchen?
- Extra activity: Play what do you do in ….?
- Extra activity: Play Light and dark!
- Extra activity: Play point to the…..
- Extra activity: Play Simon Says….
- Optional activities: Recursos fotocopiables
- Elaborar una tarjeta de felicitación para el día del padre o de la madre
- Optional activities: contar un cuento:
- Optional activities: ver un video/film:
-Extra activity: Interactive whiteboard. 

Empezamos la lección 7 y aprendemos los miembros de la familia. Empezamos con los más básicos y vamos añadiendo según avanzamos de 4 a 5 años

Cantamos unas canciones sencillas 

- Rain rain go away (supersimple songs)      - Where is baby (supersimple songs)


Vemos un cuento o big book

y una historia divertida


Jugamos a Family finger. Todos los niños se pintan cada dedo de un familiar y luego cantamos la canción de finger family

Jugamos con las flashcards y con un juego superdivertido


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