lunes, 20 de abril de 2015

Lesson 8: Means of transports

Lesson 8: Means of transports 


- Actividades recicladas

- Presentarse a los alumnos.
- Sing Good morning song (Kiboomu songs)
- Sing Hello song (Kiboomu songs)
- Play Wave Hello! Good Morning!
- Extra activity: Play the handshaking game!
- Extra activity: The circle game. Say hello/Good Morning
- Sing what’s your name (supersimplesongs)
- Play My name is…..
- Extra activity: The circle game. Ask and answer what´s your name?
- Sing If you´re happy (Kiboomu songs)
- Play are you happy?
- Extra activity: The circle game. Ask and answer how are you? I am …..
- Sing the weather song (Kiboomu songs)
- Play is it sunny?
- Extra activity: Play how’s the weather today
- Sing the days of the week song (supersimplesongs)
- Play is it Monday?
- Extra activity: Play what day is today?
- sing This is the way we go to school (Kiboomu songs)
- Play routines: brush your teeth, eat breakfast…
- Extra activity: ask do you comb your hair?
- Extra activity: ask what do you do everyday?
- Sing the colour song (Kiboomu songs)
- Play is this red?
- Extra activity: Play what colour is this game
- Extra activity: Play point to something orange/ pink…
- Extra activity: Play touch/bring me something orange/pink…
- Extra activity: Play draw a circle in the air
- Sing 5 little frogs (Kiboomu songs)
- Sing Ants go marching (Kiboomu songs)
- Sing 5 little monkeys (Kiboomu songs)
- Sing 10 in the bed (Kiboomu songs)
- Sing coun to 20 bubbles (Kiboomu songs)
- Play clap once, twice, three times….
- Play roll over
- Play count objects
-  Extra activity: Play how many….. are there?
- Extra activity: Play count and move. Stand up number….
- Extra activity: Play the orange splash
- Extra activity: Play the crocodile game
- Extra activity: Play the number or colour scarf (playground)
- Sing the shapes song (Kiboomu songs)
- Play is this a square?
- Play what colour is the circle?
- Oprional activity: contra un cuento:
- optional activity: ver un video:
- Sing Goodbye song (Kiboomu songs)
- Sing Goodbye song for children (Kiboomu songs)
- Extra activity: Play Wave Good-bye! See you!
- Extra activity: The circle game. Say goodbye/ see you

- Actividades principales

- Sing Hurry hurry drive the firetruck (Kiboomu songs)
- Sing down by the station (Kiboomu songs)
- Play let’s be planes
- Play run like a car
- Extra activity: Play Transport sounds.
- Extra activity: Play Planes go fast!
- Extra activity: Play which is faster?
- Extra activity: Play fast and slow game.
- Sing the jobs song
- Play be a policeman!
- Play is this a teacher?
- Extra activity: Play who’s this?
- Extra activity: Play is that right?
- Extra activity: Play what do you want to be?
- Seguridad vial. Elaborar un circuito por el patio del colegio
- Optional activities: Recursos fotocopiables
- Optional activities: contar un cuento:
- Optional activities: ver un video/film:
-Extra activity: Interactive whiteboard.
- Extra activity: Interactive whiteboard:

Empezamos esta lección sobre la ciudad aprendiendo los medios de transportes....

Vamos a usar unas canciones muy sencillas


Hacemos imitaciones de diferentes vehiculos y medios de transportes ..... Pretend Let´s be Planes / trains / cars...

Jugamos a unos juegos de mímica donde el profesor imita el sonido de un medio de transporte así como algún movimiento y los alumnos y alumnas tienen que adivinar cual es. También podemos pedir a los niños y niñas de infantil que salgan e imiten un vehículo y los demás tienen que adivinarlo

También podemos jugar a dar vueltas por la clase imitando un vehículo y los alumnos nos siguen y cada vez hay que ir mas rápido Play Faster...

Vemos unos big books


Y jugamos a un juego en la pizarra digital


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